3 Tips to Stand Out From the Candidate Crowd

In a competitive job market, gaining an edge over other qualified candidates can often times be challenging. How do you stand out from a crowd without appearing too aggressive? It’s a fine line, and crossing it could actually hurt your chances of landing the job. But with the right amount of creativity and perseverance, you can rise to the top of the candidate pool.

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Here are three quick tips to help you stand out:

Tip #1 –Bypass the Gatekeeper

Do some research on the company to determine who the actual decision maker for the position is, and try to reach him/her directly. Give the decision maker a call after hours and leave a voicemail, and then try following up with an informative email. This approach will help you get in front of the right person in a timely manner, while other candidates are stalled by the gatekeeper.

Tip #2–Create Your Own Job Proposal

If you have your heart set on working for a specific company – don’t wait around for the perfect job to be posted. Even if the job you’re interested in isn’t open, create a job proposal and demonstrate to the company why they NEED to hire you and how you can benefit the organization. The job proposal should show that you’ve done your research and you align with their strategy for success.

Tip #3 – Tap Social Media Connections

With the help of social media, you can improve your chances of getting hired through strategic connections. Friends of friends or past classmates can be valuable allies for getting your foot in the door at a company you want to work for. Send a friendly message via social media and ask your connection to meet for coffee to discuss the company and why you’re a fit for the position. With this background information, your social connection can help put you in touch with the right people at the company.

Being creative is a great way to separate yourself from other candidates. When you stand out, you get noticed, and then you get considered. It’s a fact of life.


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