Five Ways to Become the Person Every Employer Wants to Hire

Approximately 118 people apply for each available job in the United States, according to the latest available data from Forbes, and only 23 percent of them get interviews. That’s why you must create ways to differentiate yourself from other applicants and demonstrate why you’re the right person for the job. Following are five tips on becoming the person every company wants to hire.

Highlight Expertise
Use a “Summary” of experience on your resume in lieu of a career objective. For example, if you’re a marketing research manager, say something like, “Marketing research professional with 15 years of experience writing surveys, analyzing data, writing reports and presenting findings to executives.” Expand your summary with some key skills and industry resources you’ve used. Your summary should read like a direct mail headline, where you create interest and validate your eligibility for the job.

Relate Recent Successes
List successes on your resume under each job, especially the more recent ones. An example is, “increased sales by 15 percent.” If you’re invited in for an interview, use stories to relate your experience. Describe the situation you were in, the action you took to complete the project and the results you achieved.

Stress Project Management Talents
Discuss your ability to allocate financial resources for specific projects, delegate tasks and meet deadlines. Relate how you can manage multiple projects. Ask about projects you would work on if you got the job. Describe the steps you would take to execute those projects. Nothing is more powerful to an employer than showing them how you can solve one of their problems. It can be extremely helpful to have relevant educational experience to back up your claims. Having a masters of project management degree will show prospective employers that you’re well-trained in planning and executing professional projects, making you a valuable asset for any team. To really drive this point home, consider reading about certain challenges the company is facing, and then tell the hiring manager how you would solve those issues.

Discuss Technological Prowess
List all the software you’ve worked with on your resume, whether it’s Microsoft Word or Outlook Express. If you’re an office manager, discuss your ability to create databases and extract key information from them. Demonstrate your Internet savvy and your ability to use social networking effectively for business.

Publish An Article/Book
Write an article related to your field and get it published. This will better help confirm you as the expert you claimed to be. Even better, write a book. Blogs can work, too, especially if you have a large following and some testimonials showing you’ve helped people in your field.

If you position yourself as an expert, validate your success through results, and show how you can help your potential employer, you will dramatically increase your chances of getting hired.

This guest post was written by Dixie Somers. Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls and wife to a wonderful husband.

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