Happy Equal Pay Day!

Equal pay for all
Equal Pay Day was started by the National Committee on Pay Equality (NCPE) back in 1996 as a way to raise awareness about the pay gap between men and women. The day is supposed to symbolize how far into the new year women must work in order to match what men earned in the previous year.

Since census information is not available in time to assign a day, NCPE decided to select a Tuesday in April every year. This year, Equal Pay Day falls on April 10, 2018. To celebrate this day, we took a look at a few companies that are working towards complete parity.


In July of 2016, Adobe took a look at their pay practices and realized women were making 99 cents on the dollar. Though this one cent wage gap would be considered great by others, it was not good enough for Adobe. They set their goal for equal pay. By December 2017, they hit their goal.


Apple took a look at how their employees in the U.S. were compensated in 2017 and worked to close any gaps. Now, the company is analyzing all salaries and bonuses worldwide and pledges to address any gap that may be found in the future.


eBay’s quest for equal pay dates back to September 2016. The company evaluated not only compensation, but also bonuses and annual stocks for all of its employees around the globe. Their study revealed women make 99.8% of what men make, not only in the U.S. but across the globe as well.


Back in 2015, GoDaddy did an internal audit of company-wide salaries. They compared men and women in like technical and corporate roles. The results? Company-wide, women on average made one cent more than men. In tech roles, they made 99 cents on the dollar and 96 cents in management roles.


Just over one year ago, Zillow announced it has closed the gender pay gap within the company. They found women to be making one cent more than men, on average. The company provides full transparency, sharing their analysis and data with employees.


Expedia published its data last year, showing equal pay between men and women across the company. While they find this encouraging, they are working continuously to achieve gender representation parity, especially at senior levels within the company.

There are a lot more companies out there that are committed to equal pay – we’ve highlighted just a few. If you’ve had an experience with Equal Pay Day, leave it in the comments below!

Image Source: AAUW

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